Spinal Decompression at Laguna Bay Chiropractic

Gentle And Effective Relief From Sciatica And Disc Bulges

At Laguna Bay Chiropractic, we offer state-of-the-art spinal decompression therapy, a non-surgical treatment designed to alleviate back pain and promote spinal health. Utilising the advanced Chattanooga Triton DTS Spinal Decompression System, we ensure that our patients receive the best care tailored to relieve pain and restore mobility.


Understanding Spinal Decompression

Chattanooga DTS Spinal Decompression is a special treatment that helps relieve back and neck pain without surgery. It works by gently stretching the spine using a high-tech table called the Chattanooga DTS. This stretching creates space between the spinal discs, which helps reduce pressure on nerves and allows the discs to heal. People with herniated discs, sciatica, or similar conditions can find relief through this method. The benefits of Chattanooga DTS Spinal Decompression include less pain, better movement, and a healthier spine, making it a great option for those looking for a safe and effective way to feel better.

Our Chiropractors in Noosa use Spinal Decompression primarily to treat sciatica that is being caused by disc bulges. Decompression is one of the most effective, non-surgical types of care offered for relieving pain running down the arms or buttocks and legs. If you have a disc bulge and are trying to avoid having surgery, call us first. We create a full care plan including education about what to avoid and exercises to help you get better more quickly. 

Spinal Decompression Gently Stretches The Spine,
Pulling The Disc Bulge Away From The Nerve To Relieve Pain.

The Benefits:

Recent studies have demonstrated that spinal decompression therapy is successful in 86% of qualifying patients. Depending on the severity and duration of the disc issue, many experience relief after just a few sessions. Our advanced decompression technology is specifically designed to treat conditions like sciatica, degenerative disc disease, and nerve pain stemming from disc bulges.

Pain Relief

Effective in alleviating pain from pinched nerves, herniated discs, and other spinal conditions.


A safe alternative to surgery, offering relief without the risks associated with surgical procedures.

Improved Mobility

Helps restore normal spinal movement, enhancing the overall quality of life.
Cervical / Neck Decompression In Noosaville

Is Spinal Decompression Right for You?

If you suffer from conditions such as sciatica, numbness or tingling in the extremities, pain in the arms, hands, buttocks, or legs, or have been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease or disc bulging, spinal decompression might be the solution you need to consider before opting for surgery.

Your Experience During Treatment

The process is comfortable—many patients relax so deeply that they fall asleep during the session. You may experience mild discomfort upon standing, similar to getting out of bed in the morning. For added comfort, you can listen to relaxing music during your treatment.

FAQs About Spinal Decompression

Each session lasts approximately 30 minutes. You will lie comfortably on the decompression table while the machine gently stretches your spine.
The number of sessions varies based on your specific condition. Typically, a full treatment course consists of 15-20 sessions over several weeks.
Coverage depends on your insurance plan. We recommend checking with your provider. Our staff can assist you with insurance queries and alternative financing options.
Spinal decompression is generally safe with minimal side effects. Some patients might experience temporary soreness similar to what you feel after starting a new exercise program.
While no treatment can guarantee future health, regular maintenance sessions after the initial treatment course can help manage symptoms and support spinal health.